B12 13. Dual carriageways and motorways (edit)
Some of you will have fantastic local opportunities to experience faster moving, multi lane roads. Others of you may be limited or have to travel a considerable distance to incorporate these into your lessons.
It’s important to remember that a driving licence doesn’t allow your pupil to just drive locally... it’s a licence to drive anywhere in the world! Therefore, if opportunities aren’t immediately available, it’s worth thinking out of the box with how to include these driving experiences within your lessons.
With it being illegal for a PDI to take a provisional licence holder on a motorway, you may want to think about how you can gain your own teaching experience, as well as ensuring this exclusion doesn’t leave a gap in your pupil’s knowledge, understanding and ability.
The following videos and workbook tasks will help you broaden your ideas of what and how to teach dual carriageways and motorways to get the best out of your pupil and elaborating on them sufficiently to make them more than just a ‘going fast’ lesson.
► How can you communicate with other road users on the motorway?
► What factors are you going to take into account when overtaking on a motorway?
► What clues might another driver give you to suggest they are wanting to overtake?
► What factors may affect another driver’s driving on a motorway?
Example… A new driver lacking experience on motorways
► Could you make a list of 6-8 helpful bullet points that would help a pupil understand what to do during a breakdown on a motorway or dual carriageway?
Hint: Use DES, pages 369-375
► Scenario: You’re in lane 1 and the vehicle in front of you is going slower than you, so you wish to move into lane 2 to overtake. As you check your middle and right mirrors and indicate to overtake, a car behind in lane 2 flashes you.
How would you react?
What conversation would you have with your pupils, surrounding flashing headlights?