A1 Dual controls Video

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One of the first and most important skills to learn is how and why to use the dual controls.

Many instructors will tell you they didn’t have training on dual controls, but wish they had. This section gives you the theory behind dual control use.

An incorrect use of dual controls can be dangerous - putting you, your pupil, and other road users at risk, with potentially catastrophic consequences. DO NOT skim over this section.

It’s also important to recognise that the term ‘dual control’ doesn’t just refer to the instructor pedals. Dual controlling means any physical action an instructor takes to control or override the car or the pupil’s decision. For example, knocking off an indicator, releasing the handbrake, or taking the steering wheel, are all classed as a form of dual control.

Obviously dual controlling is a practical skill. We therefore strongly recommend you back up this theory based section with a practical, in car training session with a trainer or a fellow driving instructor. Spend time experimenting with using the controls and controlling the car physically from the instructor’s seat BEFORE you start teaching. The first time you need to use the dual controls should not be the first time you’ve ever used them!

It’s important that you become familiar with the dual controls in the car you are teaching in. All dual controls feel slightly different.

During this section you will learn more about:

-How to use dual controls properly, including when NOT to use them

-How to verbally communicate when taking or giving back physical control

-How to follow up the use of a dual control in response to a shown learningopportunity-Clever ways of using a dual control to facilitate learning

Watch the accompanying video and then use this section to enhance your knowledge and understanding. Listen out for what our BIGGEST and most common form of dual control is!

Dual control explained

Bonding with the dual controls


Dual control Steering


When not to use the dual control brake

Dual control Handbrake

Dual control for demo and Emergency stop

Reverse park dual

Finding the clutch

►What is a dual control?

►Give 6 examples of ways you might dual control









►What is your biggest form of dual control?

►Why is it important to verbally confirm to your pupil that you are, or have, physicallyintervened?

►After physically intervening, how should you follow this up?

►Why is it VITAL you are aware of other road users before physically controlling oroverriding the car?

►Why do we advise you to use your dual control brake when your pupil stalls in somesituations?

►List 2 alternative ways you can use your dual control pedals to support a pupils' learning?

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